August 26, 2016
Continuing on from our project during May Half term, The Arts Excite returned to Parasol to work with the children on the Parasol Puppet Project.
This time around Kirsten introduced the children to a story called The Broken Bird, which the children adapted to create a performance using the puppet theatre we commissioned.
Once the children were familiar with the story, we began creating scenery and creating the additional bird puppets we would need for the performance. This project was a cross arts project, as the children were able to use iPads to create films that would support the performance of the play.
We spent two weeks during the summer holidays on this project which concluded with a final performance and sharing for parents, staff, funders and other members of the community. The performance went really well and the children worked extremely hard on it. You can see the performance by clicking on the video link.
This was an Arts Award project and children were working on both Arts Award Discover and Explore Level.
This project is supported by Oxfordshire County Council with investment from Artswork Ltd, the Arts Councils South East Bridge organisation.
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