The Arts Excite wins two OBSEA awards for 2013/14!
We are excited to be able to announce that The Arts Excite has won two awards from Oxford Brookes University to support the business development of The Arts Excite and help us make the transition from social project to social enterprise.
Toward the end of 2013 project founder Jordon Maynard-Daley entered The Arts Excite into the Oxford Brookes Social Enterprise Award (OBSEA). After applying and delivering a fantastic pitch to a den of dragons, he was able to secure two pots of funding to further develop the project.
In November 2013 The Arts Excite was awarded £500 for a try it award to conduct business research, and then in February 2014 we managed to secure £5,000 for our business development.
The Arts Excite is ecstatic bout receiving this award. We can now begin to put plans in motion to create a sustainable social project for young people and the communities they live in.
Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this possible. We continue to appreciate your support and vow to honour our commitment to making change happen.
– The Arts Excite Team.